
Tim Johnson- Family Connection- Communities In Schools

Welcome to Family Connection-Communities In Schools of Athens


For many children, challenges outside the classroom- like hunger, poor health, or trauma at home- can stand in the way of success inside the classroom.
Family Connection – Communities In Schools of Athens is comprised of a group of dedicated individuals working in neighborhoods and schools to identify the social, emotional and academic needs of children in Athens-Clarke County and ensure they get the support they need to overcome challenges.

FC-CIS uses Neighborhood Leaders and Site Coordinators to build personal relationships and provide children with the one-on-one attention and guidance needed to thrive in and outside of the classroom, graduate from high school and enter post-secondary education or the workforce.

In addition, FC-CIS takes the mission a step further by using first-hand knowledge and carefully collected data to Collaborate with more than 100 nonprofit, community, educational, government and health organizations. FC-CIS serves as an influential force when it comes to identifying, initiating and implementing programs and policy changes in areas that truly impact the needs of children and families in our community.

“FC-CIS has been working in Athens for more than 20 years, and we have a history of influencing policy. We bring influential people together, they come with ideas, and those ideas get implemented.” – Alice Kinman, FC-CIS Board President

From an executive board that includes the mayor, school superintendent and a host of local business owners and community leaders, to a network of partner organizations that have direct ties to working families, we are at the forefront of transformation when it comes to improving the lives of those most at risk in our community.

When FC-CIS “sets the table” and invites others to join in a conversation, we can address root causes, pool resources, engage diverse community members and commit to long-term planning and implementation.



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