

High School social worker praises the work of FC-CIS Site Coordinators

Clarke Central Social Worker, Bianca Culver, often makes visits to the homes of students who need social or academic support.

FC-CIS sat down with her to discuss Clarke Central’s Food and Clothing Bank along with how beneficial the school’s Site Coordinators have been when it comes to addressing student needs.

FC-CIS: The Food and Clothing bank that the Site Coordinators manage has been a wonderful resource. How has it helped?

BIANCA: It was really amazing to get this resource because a lot of times- with referrals like that- it comes to me and there’s never a time that you have all day to get a resource. Usually, it’s at 3 pm, and school’s about to end. So when this came, it was the best thing that ever happened.

FC-CIS: How do the Site Coordinators support the work that you do?

BIANCA: The FC-CIS Site Coordinators have been phenomenal in helping. Here at Clarke Central, we have a wide range of students. They come from different socioeconomic backgrounds. We have kids who come from wealthier families and backgrounds and kids who come from absolutely nothing.

FC-CIS: What sort of challenges do students face?

BIANCA: They come to school hungry, and they can’t perform academically if they don’t have their basic needs met. So, it happens, it’s here. We see it, and sometimes we still don’t get it, but to be in the role that I’m in- I see it. I witness it. I got to homes daily. It’s definitely an issue here, but I feel Clarke Central is very supportive in meeting the needs of the students.

FC-CIS: Academics isn’t always a priority to some students, is it?

BIANCA: Students can have all of these other issues- hunger or they are thinking about adult issues, about how their mom is going to pay the bills this month or where they might be living tonight. It’s a very big factor in their psychological needs.

FC-CIS: Do you have any personal experiences with the Site Coordinators?

BIANCA: To talk about our CIS Coordinators, in particular, Mr. Robinson and Ms. Boyd, like I said, they have been a huge asset to Clarke Central High School. Any support staff is great, but they have been amazing. Both of their styles are completely different. Mr. Robinson- he’s the person who is walking around, finding things. He brings me a lot of referrals, and it’s greatly appreciated. Ms. Boyd, she’s one-on-one with the kids. She builds that relationship, and they both do a great job on their own, but in different ways.

FC-CIS: Your counselors have enormous caseloads, have the Site Coordinators been able to ease that load?

BIANCA: Yes. Each of our counselors has about 600 kids on their caseload, so it’s impossible to get to all of them and have that relationship. So, the Site Coordinators have improved our student support services here even more. I love having their support. We all work together as a team, and it’s great.

To learn more about how Site Coordinators support the counselors and social workers at Clarke Central, please watch Bianca’s video.

For more information about the Site Coordinators, please visit the Site Coordinator page.


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