FC-CIS Site Coordinators Help Remove Barriers to Education
FC-CIS is part of Communities In Schools which is the nation’s largest dropout prevention organization.
Our organization places Site Coordinators in each of our area high schools and their mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
Research shows that having caring adults in schools that make it a point to address children’s unmet needs can bridge the gap by providing resources and offering students the opportunity to focus on learning.
FC-CIS sat down with two Clarke Central High School Educators to discuss the impact Site Coordinators have on the students and teachers.
FC-CIS: What types of challenges do high school students face today?
Kimberlyn Jackson/Chemistry Teacher: Kids today have a lot of challenges. They see things faster because they have internet access, and they are more in tune to things going on around them as opposed to being more creative and kind of in their own world. Things just happen really fast for them. So, in high school, they are challenged with dealing with everything on the outside but then being able to find their own way.
Jillian Gorden/ Agriculture Teacher: There are issues in high school. Students have things that motivate them and that make things harder for them.
In my experience, there can be barriers at home, with their friends, whatever that may be. It’s hard to leave that at the door of the classroom. As a teacher, you have your assignments, but once you really build that relationship with the student, you can get a little better understanding of what’s going on in their already complicated teenage lives.
FC-CIS: How have the Site Coordinators provided value to students and teachers?
Kimberlyn Jackson/Chemistry Teacher: Just their presence, I think, has made the biggest difference. For us, as faculty here, but also their presence for the students. Knowing they are available and you can count on them if you have a student that is hungry and has a need, I can work with them. If a student needs a haircut, I can collaborate with them to get the student the resources they need. That’s been priceless. You don’t feel so helpless when you see students have a need. You can go get that help for them.
Jillian Gorden/ Agriculture Teacher: I’ve seen the students grades improve. I’ve seen behavior improve. And this isn’t anecdotal. I can really see it in my students. This has been an asset for me, as a teacher, to know that someone is helping, so the issues aren’t in my classroom as much. Plus, it can really be a team effort to say, ‘I’m here. They are here. Your other teachers are here.” It would be a huge disservice if we ever lost them from our school. They have become a staple in our school and something that has become really vital.
To hear more about the experiences and successes of FC-CIS Site Coordinators, please watch the video.
To learn more about our program, please visit the Site Coordinators page.