We are a community working together for all children to succeed in school and in life. We work directly with children and youth to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. And we are a partnership of ninety organizations working with families to research the needs of children and families in Athens, and to work together to address those needs utilizing best practices. Family Connection-Communities In Schools of Athens, Inc. is the official planning and coordinating body for services for children and families in our community.
Family Connection-Communities In Schools of Athens: Vision
Family Connection-Communities In Schools of Athens: Mission
Our Executive Director, Tim Johnson, was recently named a Big Voice for Georgia’s Children. Click on this link to see the interview about our work:
Thanks for your interest in Family Connection Communities in Schools
Post Office Box 1904
Athens, GA 30603-1904
(706) 369-9732
Monday – Friday 8:30a-5:00p